Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Secrets to Boosting Your Energy

You're invited to attend my F*ree Workshop-by-Phone being held **THIS

Are you constantly feeling tired or just want to learn how to boost
your energy in the morning or afternoon? During this workshop you will
discover several simple steps you can take to increase your energy,

Secrets to Boosting Your Energy: Tips Every Busy Person Needs to Know

Click here to register:

Here's what you'll learn in this workshop:

* 5 foods that will drain your energy
* 4 types of food that will increase your energy
* 4 simple lifestyle changes you can make that will have a BIG impact.

This Workshop-by-Phone is being held on Wednesday, May 21st at 12:00pm

What is a Workshop-by-Phone?
A Workshop-by-Phone is a class that is conducted over a phone line (a
conference call line to be exact). You can attend this
Workshop-by-Phone from anywhere in the world.

Click here to register:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Want to pick your own strawberries (or other fruit)?

I just learned about a wonderful website where you can find places, all over the country, where you can pick your own fruit or vegetables.

The site provides a wealth of information, by state and county, on the various farms. You can find out if the farm is organic, which fruits and vegetables you can pick and when, and the address and phone number for the farm.

If you are in the Triangle area and want to pick strawberries, here are some good options for organic farms:
  • Whitted Bowers Fruit Farm (organic)
  • Volmer Farm (organic)
  • Flat Rivery Nursery (not organic but I don't think they spray)

Click here to locate other farms where you can pick your own!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Want to Ease Allergy Symptoms?

Are you suffering from congestion, sinus pressure, or watery and itchy eyes? If so, you’re not alone. Many of my clients, friends, and colleagues have been suffering from allergies recently, so I thought I would share some remedies for easing your symptoms.

Nettle is an herb that has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. Taking ½ teaspoon tincture or 1-2 capsules (preferably freeze-dried) every 2-4 hours may alleviate symptoms. A tincture is a liquid extract that works faster and more completely than other forms of supplementation. Tinctures come is small glass bottles with a dropper.

Allium cepa
This is a homeopathic remedy that relieves runny nose and burning, watery eyes. Homeopathic remedies come in a container that resembles chap stick. The container has little pellets that taste sweet and you let them dissolve in your mouth.

Citrus Seed Extract
Citrus Seed Extract, such as Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), alleviates allergy symptoms – including hay fever. Following the directions on the container, you can put a few drops of GSE in 1/4 cup water or juice 2-3 times daily with or without meals. (Note: you always want to dissolve GSE in liquid. It is very bitter, so dissolving in juice makes it easier to get down.)

Eliminate Dairy
Dairy is a very mucus producing food, and therefore, removing dairy from your diet during allergy season, can reduce your symptoms. I have found that you must remove it completely in order to experience the benefits.

Acupuncture is commonly used to treat allergies by working on stabilizing the immune system, decreasing swelling and inflammation of local tissues to stop itching, decreasing secretions of mucus membranes to reduce nasal discharge and watery eyes, and strengthening your natural resistance to antigens. If you would like names of acupuncturists in your area, email me and I’ll be glad to pass along some names. (Note: Many people are hesitant about acupuncture because they think it will hurt. Trust me, it is not painful at all. In fact, it’s incredibly relaxing.)

Limit Your Exposure
If you are a chronic allergy sufferer, you might want to consider avoiding exercising outdoors.windy days, avoid going outside if your allergies are severe. Particularly on